Shipping of Design items will be handled by FedEx and is complimentary on orders over $150 CDN.
For these orders FedEx will not be listed under shipping options. However, should the design item/s in your order need to be shipped separately from the Fine Art pieces, they will be shipped via FedEx at no extra charge. Regarding the Fine Art portion
Fine Art Shipping costs are calculated based on the delivery location and specific needs of the art pieces. This will be added to your order for final payment before shipping. If you would like a shipping estimate prior to purchase, please inquire.
Local delivery can be arranged within a reasonable distance of Stratford Ontario, Canada.
If you are visiting Stratford, delivery to your hotel can be arranged, or you are welcome to collect from the Studio. It would be nice to see you in person.
Should you need to cancel a personalized order, or made to order items, please submit a cancellation request within 24 hours of your order confirmation. After the 24-hour window, your order is considered final.
To cancel your order, click the Cancelation Request button below and provide details including your order number.
To process a return click the Request Return button below and provide details including your order number.
Your treasured objects may occasionally require special care. If you need assistance with a House of Gibson piece, due to wear or damage, click below.
Not at this time. However, there are a number of works in development, from paintings to large public installations. You are welcome to inquire.
Collin: Absolutely. Although where I come from we just call it whiskey. Should you find yourself in my beautiful city and like to share a glass, or an americano for that matter, do write. It may just work.
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